FreeDESK User Guide

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FreeDESK is a free service desk/helpdesk system by David Cutting.

The system revolves around the idea of 'requests for service' which are raised and then managed by FreeDESK.

Logging In

To login go to the web page provided by your system administrator and select the 'Analyst' link. Now enter your provided username and password then click to login.

If you are using a mobile device you will be automatically redirected to a mobile-optimized version of the interface.

Desktop Interface


Once logged in you will see three distinct areas, the team list (left hand side), request list (right hand side) and menu bar (top of the page).

You can view requests assigned to individual teams or users (if you have permission) by selecting the team/user from the menu on the left hand side.

Once selected the requests assigned to that user or team will be displayed on the right.

To sort requests in a list click on the field at the top of the list. Fields can be turned on or off for display by selecting "Options" at the top-right of the list.

To open a request for full view or modification click on the request number.

You can see other options and pages within the system, as setup by your administrator, from menu bar options at the top of the screen. From this menu you can also log off or switch to the mobile interface.

At any point you can select "My Requests" under the Home menu to view all the requests assigned to your specific user.


Updating Requests

Once a request is opened a new window will be displayed with the full history of the request.

To update the request click on the update tab from which you can add additional information, change the status of the request (for example close it), and also assign it to a different team or user (depending on the permissions you are allowed).

When you update a request, if the option is enabled by your administrator, a checkbox to email the customer will be present. If this box is checked a new email window will open with the details of the update to be sent to the customer.

Opening Requests

To open a request select that option under the 'Requests' menu on the main screen. Your administrator may have setup different types of requests for different scenarios.

A new request window is then opened. You can search for the customer by entering some or all of the customer information in the fields provided then clicking search. If a single customer matches the results they will be selected otherwise a list of matching customers will be displayed and can be selected. If no customer is found or you need to create a new customer then select 'New Customer' from the Entity menu on the main screen (if your administrator has allowed you this permission).

After selecting a customer you enter details of the update, select other information such as the priority and assignment of the request and then open it. As with an update there will be an option to send an email to the customer, which will open in a new window if selected.

Mobile Interface

The mobile interface (auto detected or selected manually from the System menu) is a mobile-optimized limited version.

From this interface you can view all your assigned requests and update them.

Features such as email or new request logging are unavailable through the mobile interface.

Personal tools
