Database Module

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Database modules provide the ability for different underlying databases to be used. They handle the connection, escaping and some other functionality.

The default shipped module supports MySQL and any alternatives must be derived from DatabaseBase. The base class and MySQL implementation are included below.

The DatabaseBase also includes the QueryBuilder class which can be used anywhere in the system to build SQL queries easily (the database implementation must therefore support QueryBuilder objects for SQL construction).

DatabaseBase Base Class

/* -------------------------------------------------------------
This file is part of FreeDESK
FreeDESK is (C) Copyright 2012 David Cutting
FreeDESK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
FreeDESK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with FreeDESK.  If not, see
For more information see
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
 * Database Query Type
abstract class QueryType
	const Equal = 0;
	const Like = 1;
	const MoreThan = 2;
	const MoreThanEqual = 3;
	const LessThan = 4;
	const LessThanEqual = 5;
	const NotEqual = 6;
	const OpenBracket = 100;
	const CloseBracket = 101;
	const opAND = 200;
	const opOR = 201;
 * Query Builder Class
class QueryBuilder
	 * Query items array
	var $items = array();
	 * Limit Flag
	var $limit = false;
	 * Start (for limit)
	var $start = 0;
	 * Entries (for limit)
	var $entries = 30;
	 * Order Flag
	var $order = false;
	 * Order fields
	var $orderlist = array();
	 * Add item
	 * @param string $field Field
	 * @param mixed $type QueryType const
	 * @param mixed $value Value
	function Add($field, $type, $value)
		$this->items[] = array(
			"field" => $field,
			"type" => $type,
			"value" => $value );
	 * Add an order field
	 * @param string $field Field
	 * @param bool $asc Ascending (optional, default true) - false is descending
	function AddOrder($field, $asc = true)
		if (!$this->order)
			$this->order = true;
	 * Open bracket
	function OpenBracket()
		$this->items[] = array("type" => QueryType::OpenBracket);
	 * Close bracket
	function CloseBracket()
		$this->items[] = array("type" => QueryType::CloseBracket);
	 * Add operation
	 * @param mixed $operation Op of type QueryType
	function AddOperation($operation)
		$this->items[] = array("type" => $operation);
 * DatabaseBase is the abstract base class for database system implementations
abstract class DatabaseBase
	 * Constructor
	 * @param object $freeDESK FreeDESK instance
	//abstract function DatabaseBase(&$freekDESK);
	 * Connect
	 * @param string $server Database server
	 * @param string $username Database username
	 * @param string $password Database password
	 * @param string $database Database name
	 * @param string $prefix Database table prefix (optonal, default "")
	 * @return bool Successful connection or not
	abstract function Connect($server, $username, $password, 
		$database, $prefix="");
	 * Disconnect
	abstract function Disconnect();
	 * Return table name with correct prefix and escaping
	 * @param string $table table un-prefixed
	 * @return string table with prefix and escape
	abstract function Table($table);
	 * Sanitise user-input using correct escaping
	 * @param string $input user input
	 * @return string Sanitised output
	abstract function Safe($input);
	 * Sanitise user-input string and quote
	 * @param string $input user input
	 * @return string Sanitised quoted output
	abstract function SafeQuote($input);
	 * Contain a field correctly
	 * @param string $field The field name
	 * @return string Escaped field
	abstract function Field($field);
	 * Escape and contain a field correctly
	 * @param string $value The value of the field
	 * @return string Escaped and prefixed+suffixed data
	function FieldSafe($value)
		return $this->Field($this->Safe($value));
	 * Perform a query
	 * @param string $query SQL query
	 * @param bool $report Record any errors using LoggingEngine (optonal, default true)
	 * @return mixed Results of query
	abstract function Query($query, $report=true);
	 * Number of rows affected by last query
	 * @return int number of rows affected
	abstract function RowsAffected();
	 * Number of rows in a result set
	 * @param mixed $result Result set
	 * @return int number of rows in the set
	abstract function NumRows(&$result);
	 * Fetch next associated array from result set
	 * @param mixed $result Result Set
	 * @return array Assocative Array of Results
	abstract function FetchAssoc(&$result);
	 * Free a result set
	 * @param mixed $result Result Set
	abstract function Free(&$result);
	 * Return an error flag
	 * @return bool Experienced error on last command
	abstract function Error();
	 * Last error code
	 * @return int Error code
	abstract function ErrorCode();
	 * Last error description
	 * @return string Error description
	abstract function ErrorDescription();
	 * Details of the last error
	 * @return string Code and error description
	function LastError()
		return $this->ErrorCode().": ".$this->ErrorDescription();
	 * The last inserted ID
	 * @return mixed Last inserted ID
	abstract function InsertID();
	 * Generate a clause from a QueryBuilder object
	 * @param object &$query QueryBuilder object
	 * @return string query string
	abstract function Clause(&$query);

MySQL Database Implementation

/* -------------------------------------------------------------
This file is part of FreeDESK
FreeDESK is (C) Copyright 2012 David Cutting
FreeDESK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
FreeDESK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with FreeDESK.  If not, see
For more information see
-------------------------------------------------------------- */
 * MySQL concrete implementation of DatabaseBase
class MySQL extends DatabaseBase
	 * Pointer to the FreeDESK instance
	private $DESK = null;
	 * MySQL data connection
	private $connection = null;
	 * Table prefix
	var $prefix = "";
	 * Constructor
	 * @param object $freeDESK FreeDESK instance
	function MySQL(&$freeDESK)
		$this->DESK = &$freeDESK;
		$this->DESK->PluginManager->Register(new Plugin(
			"MySQL Database Engine","0.01","Core","DB" ));
	 * Connect
	 * @param string $server Database server
	 * @param string $username Database username
	 * @param string $password Database password
	 * @param string $database Database name
	 * @param string $prefix Database table prefix (optonal, default "")
	 * @return bool Successful connection or not
	function Connect($server, $username, $password, 
		$database, $prefix="")
		$this->prefix = $prefix;
		$this->connection = mysql_connect($server, $username, $password);
		if ($this->connection <= 0) return false;
		if (!mysql_select_db($database, $this->connection))
			return false;
		return true;
	 * Disconnect
	function Disconnect()
	 * Return table name with correct prefix and escaping
	 * @param string $table table un-prefixed
	 * @return string table with prefix and escape
	function Table($table)
		return "`".$this->prefix.$table."`";
	 * Sanitise user-input using correct escaping
	 * @param string $input user input
	 * @return string Sanitised output
	function Safe($input)
		return mysql_real_escape_string($input, $this->connection);
	 * Sanitise user-input string and quote
	 * @param string $input user input
	 * @return string Sanitised quoted output
	function SafeQuote($input)
		return "\"".$this->Safe($input)."\"";
	 * Contain a field correctly
	 * @param string $field The field name
	 * @return string Escaped field
	function Field($field)
		return "`".$field."`";
	 * Escape and contain a field correctly
	 * @param string $value The value of the field
	 * @return string Escaped and prefixed+suffixed data
	function FieldSafe($value)
		return $this->Field($this->Safe($value));
	 * Perform a query
	 * @param string $query SQL query
	 * @param bool $report Record any errors using LoggingEngine (optonal, default true)
	 * @return mixed Results of query
	function Query($query, $report=true)
		$result=mysql_query($query, $this->connection);
		if ($report && $this->Error()) // has an error and to be reported
			$err="Query Failed: ".$query;
			$error="SQL Error: ".$this->LastError();
			$this->DESK->LoggingEngine->Log($err, "SQL", "Fail", 1);
			$this->DESK->LoggingEngine->Log($error, "SQL", "Error", 1);
		return $result;
	 * Number of rows affected by last query
	 * @return int number of rows affected
	function RowsAffected()
		return mysql_affected_rows($this->connection);
	 * Number of rows in a result set
	 * @param mixed $result Result set
	 * @return int number of rows in the set
	function NumRows(&$result)
		return mysql_num_rows($result);
	 * Fetch next associated array from result set
	 * @param mixed $result Result Set
	 * @return array Assocative Array of Results
	function FetchAssoc(&$result)
		return mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
	 * Free a result set
	 * @param mixed $result Result Set
	function Free(&$result)
	 * Return an error flag
	 * @return bool Experienced error on last command
	function Error()
		if (mysql_errno($this->connection)>0)
			return true;
		return false;
	 * Last error code
	 * @return int Error code
	function ErrorCode()
		return mysql_errno($this->connection);
	 * Last error description
	 * @return string Error description
	function ErrorDescription()
		return mysql_error($this->connection);
	 * The last inserted ID
	 * @return mixed Last inserted ID
	function InsertID()
		return mysql_insert_id($this->connection);
	 * Generate a clause from a QueryBuilder object
	 * @param object &$query QueryBuilder object
	 * @return string query string
	function Clause(&$query)
		$c = "";
		foreach($query->items as $item)
			if (isset($item['field']))
				if ($c!="")
					$c.=" ";
					case QueryType::Equal:
					case QueryType::Like:
						$c.=" LIKE ";
					case QueryType::MoreThan:
						$c.=" > ";
					case QueryType::MoreThanEqual:
						$c.=" >= ";
					case QueryType::LessThan:
						$c.=" < ";
					case QueryType::LessThanEqual:
						$c.=" <= ";
					case QueryType::NotEqual;
						$c.=" != ";
					case QueryType::OpenBracket:
						$c.=" ( ";
					case QueryType::CloseBracket:
						$c.=" ) ";
					case QueryType::opAND:
						$c.=" AND ";
					case QueryType::opOR:
						$c.=" OR ";
		if ($c=="")
		return $c;
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