Developing Plugin Modules

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Plugin modules are the heart of FreeDESK extensibility and are developed in PHP. All plugin modules extend the base class FreeDESK_PIM and provide some defined interfaces.

Plugins can register functionality they provide in the main system, register additional pages and menu options for display, register custom API modes and handle request events.

Plugin Modules (PIMs)

PIMs provide some or all of the functionality listed in the FreeDESK_PIM module. For a plugin to work it must be installed in a named directory within the plugin folder, have a main PHP file of the same name and the main PIM class within that file of the same name.

<?php /* ------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of FreeDESK

FreeDESK is (C) Copyright 2012 David Cutting

FreeDESK is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

FreeDESK is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with FreeDESK. If not, see

For more information see



* FreeDESK_PIM is the abstacr base class for all PIM components
    • /

abstract class FreeDESK_PIM { /** * FreeDESK instance **/ protected $DESK = null;

/** * File path for PIM **/ protected $filepath = "";

/** * Web path for PIM **/ protected $webpath = "";

/** * ID for PIM **/ protected $ID = 0;

/** * Main Constructor * @param mixed $freeDESK FreeDESK instance * @param string $filepath Path to plugin directory (filebase) * @param string $webpath Path to plugin directory (webpath) * @param int $id Internal FreeDESK ID for PIM **/ function FreeDESK_PIM(&$freeDESK, $filepath, $webpath, $id) { $this->DESK = &$freeDESK; $this->filepath = $filepath; $this->webpath = $webpath; $this->ID = $id; }

/** * Start (when an instance is started from within the system and is installed - to be overriden **/ function Start() { // }

/** * Install - to be overriden **/ function Install() { // }

/** * Activate - to be overriden **/ function Activate() { // }

/** * De-Activate - to be overriden **/ function Deactivate() { // }

/** * Uninstall - to be overriden **/ function Uninstall() { // }

/** * API Call - to be overriden * @param string $mode API Mode **/ function API($mode) { // }

/** * Event Call - to be overriden * @param string $event Event * @param mixed &$data Event data (dependent on the event) **/ function Event($event, &$data) { // }

/** * Build any menu items needed - to be overriden **/ function BuildMenu() { // }

/** * Page has been called for this plugin - to be overriden * @param string $page Page identifier **/ function Page($page) { // }

/** * Static exec/registration function to list provided interfaces * @param mixed $DESK Reference to current FreeDESK instance **/ static function Exec(&$DESK) { // }

} ?>

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